Wednesday 9 November 2011

In Time

Time is literally money for the characters in the science fiction film "In Time", where the people stop aging at 25 and are given a year on their clock to gain employment and work for their "living".

Conceptually this film has years of potential, but in execution held my attention for only minutes. It touched upon many interesting issues, a rather dark solution to the problems of overpopulation, segregation between classes, capitalism (and greed), the rising danger of gangs and lack of respect for authority and missionaries who will always risk a lot for the greater good. The problem here is that I used the words "touched upon". It's inability to delve deeper into any one of these issues made sure the film lacked any real depth and was therefore a rather light thriller about a futuristic Robin Hood. I found myself tentatively agreeing with the film's villain, questioning the choice of wardrobe (if Sylvia Weis had indeed spent all that time running in those heels, her toes would have undoubtedly fallen off) and feeling rather cheated when the film finished without offering me more of a conclusion, a character to identify with or even a visually satisfying experience.

A bit of a waste of time, which thankfully, isn’t necessarily a matter of life or death for me.

Monday 7 November 2011


Sorry for the extended absence, I have been focussing on other things for the time being but I'm back now and committed to posting new things every week.
November is upon us and I find myself walking down the street spotting Clarke Gable and Tom Sellic. I love Movember, for the simple fact that a moustache transforms a man into a Gentleman. I understand the obvious exceptions to this rule, but I think the reason a lot of dictators have them is to seemingly exude confidence, and to be able to look in the mirror and see someone distinguished rather than what they are. That’s what a moustache does, so aside from feeling good about yourself for supporting and raising awareness for prostate and testicular cancer, you can feel confident that you are now a mo' (sorry) mature gentleman. Also with programs like Boardwalk Empire becoming so popular, the prohibition style is coming back into fashion. Men such as Clarke Gable and Cary Grant are style icons and Movember gives men the excuse they need to follow fashion.  Lets have some fun with Movember and accessorise our faces gentlemen!